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Thanks for your participation and happy holidays!
When completing the Christmas Lights Home Tour, here are a few things to keep in mind:
You will have to check in at the houses and must be within 100 meters of each home.
After checking in at all of the houses, you will see a "Submit Entry" form where you will need to provide your email and full name and pick your top three houses.
PNM will be awarding the top 3 houses with Gift Cards this year!
1st place will be rewarded with a $200 gift card.
2nd place will be rewarded with a $100 gift card.
3rd place will be rewarded with a $50 gift card.
❄️ Happy Holidays! ❄️
When completing the Christmas Lights Home Tour, here are a few things to keep in mind:
You will have to check in at the houses and must be within 100 meters of each home.
After checking in at all of the houses, you will see a "Submit Entry" form where you will need to provide your email and full name and pick your top three houses.
PNM will be awarding the top 3 houses with Gift Cards this year!
1st place will be rewarded with a $200 gift card.
2nd place will be rewarded with a $100 gift card.
3rd place will be rewarded with a $50 gift card.
❄️ Happy Holidays! ❄️
Quit bugging me about signing up! Continue Planning as a guest